Thursday, July 12, 2007

Final twist in the Sigma tale

Ladies & Gentlemen, in the interest of world peace, I've taken a decision to wind up Sigma 26 when we touch 26 puzzles. So there will be just 3 more puzzles. All of them of doctorate variety. They will appear on Friday, Sat'day & Sunday. It's a level playing field. No one can whine that I didn't issue any prior warning. The winner will be crowned as the Sigma Don for Life. Now that's a huge title to win. You can put that in the first line of your CV. May the best man (not a sexist term) win.


pbzeppelin said...

cannot believe it is the nobility of ur character thats prompting this :)

but yeah prob time to wind it up - doubt can be as active over the next few days - have this huge ppt on monday folks! so i will try in mean time but looks unlikely. donno who to cast my vote for - parasu or sheece? i will wait an watch for one more grid!

Sheece said...

i wonder if u got threat calls from my office?

Sheece said...

as for who will be the sigma don... i must say i get perverse joy when i see women win, so srividya don't give up now.

pbzeppelin said...

sheece - u clearly a subject for the couch! win - nah - wd unsettle me too much! instead am focusing all my energies into being the world's best loser :)

pbzeppelin said...

oh & am i permitted to ask if there will some thing else post sigma's untimely demise? after all dec 31 is far far a galaxy far far away!

anantha said...

only time will tell. or may be newsweek.