Sunday, July 8, 2007

Word Grid # 16 (Difficulty Level - UG)


pbzeppelin said...


cushy (76)
cynosure (120)
epris (67)

Parasu said...
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pbzeppelin said...

Hi come the time is shown as sunday 11 ish for these 3 grids.. the 16th one just surfaced on my screen some half an hr ago...

Parasu said...

Miss gourmand, whats an epris?

anantha said...

epris, not accepted by, webster or cambridge. so i shall not accept the same. regarding the sunday dates...could be because, these puzzles were readied yesterday. and posted in draft mode. published today.

pbzeppelin said...

well if not epris...then ester will do just as fine

epris is a french word...means being in love with - but it is used in a lot of historical english novels - austen, bronte etc

pbzeppelin said...

epris is a valid SOWPODS word. Hey Parasu - the gourmand/gorilla thing was just a joke. please dont get senti about it... all for fun...

Parasu said...

ok, good to know.. epris..

pbzeppelin said...

Probably going over board but here is a passage from a historical romance - Georgette Heyer...not the sorts everyone reads i admit :) to demonstrate the use of epris - hee hee

"Our illustrious head is absent, I believe. Andrew is flirting with the Fletcher girl in the Blue Salon; I am here, and Lavinia is amusing herself with Lovelace. Yes, Richard, Lovelace! Be careful!" With another sneering laugh he walked on, bowing to Elizabeth Gunning, who passed by on the arm of her partner, his Grace of Hamilton, most palpably épris.

Parasu said...

of course, I did take the gorilla thing as a joke and nothing more. Miss gourmand was in the same vein, hope it did not come across as anything else.

Yeah, like most French words epris probably pronounced way off than the way its spelt. :)

pbzeppelin said...

:) have no clue how epris is pronounced...only seen it on print till now. if we have any french experts reading this blog - mayhap they can advise...

Sheece said...

am glad french words are not accepted, i don't know too many :))

but this woman is fast...

anantha said...

foreign languages is tricky territory. that way, we should be allowing tamil & hindi words that have spilled over to indian english novels. ester is accepted. srividya gains an easy 2 points. i should have graded this as ukg, but what to do...that means i have to reveal one more letter...

pbzeppelin said...

thank you...but we may need to consider foreign words some times... say words such as vis-a-vis or what about catamaran, petite, sans etc etc

deal is best list the dics that u consider final...sowpods for instance has innumerable words (some of which i think are fake) hope i havent offended other scrabble players :)

Parasu said...

Foul, foul :)

when Epris got DQ'ed doesn't Srividya lose a chance to post an entry again ;), just kidding..

Ester, Ethos both would have fit right in I guess.

Well I will fight another day to catch up to Srividya's points tally :)

pbzeppelin said...

Challenge issued i believe. Should i accept or not. Shivering knees. Parasu with his drawn sword is no easy figure to take.

Joking invite ur old pals - the geniuses of TLA - Nimish and some one called Q...and of course the Queen - so many others... lets add more spice.

pbzeppelin said...

just struck me anantha that since the grids are in alphabet shape - should not that be linked to the level of difficulty ? like this C shaped grid does not have many intersections and only 3 words to be solved...but say that Z, Y, D etc more difficult ??

anantha said...

will consider your suggestions srividya. the queens & kings of trylateral haven't deemed it fit to thrown in their hat, yet.
mr.cluenatic & mr. trylateral nimish always participates in the first puzzle of my any venture. and then disappears. so don't bank on them. sheece & parasu will give you a run for your money. since they don't have the benefit of being bombarded by lateral clues from me, they may find the doctorate puzzles too hot to handle. or for that matter, anyone will...if you guys motivate me enough by demolishing these grids fast, i can consider puncturing your egos with some diabolical doctorate ones. but the angel part in me shushes the devil everytime there is a rush of blood...

pbzeppelin said...

angel part? cant say saw anything of that in TLA :-) Miss TLA and its lateralness - never tried cluenatic at all (my trivia levels soared from the absurd level it was prior to that) Why not start some thing new?

anantha said...

one more game? i already think, i have hosted one too will be curtains on december 31st.

pbzeppelin said...

curtains...dec 31? its the day u have decided to create ur samadhi or take up sanyaas?