Thursday, July 12, 2007

Word Grid # 23 (Difficulty Level - Playschool)


pbzeppelin said...

Oho...again cant see the grid at all. all luck to other ppl - guess i am out

pbzeppelin said...

hi.. since acc to u oh lord, there are no more puzzles for the day am posting a possible solution


anantha said...

props is a 5-letter word mam. so. no points. and she loses her chance to score a 1-pointer.

pbzeppelin said...

yeah just noticed... donno how i took it as 5 letter word...

others - well kickboxing and disabusing also works with ing words... have fun...

Parasu said...

hmm.. Ethics.. with so many words already solved.. does not feel right to submit an entry.. anyway here goes

kiosks = 84
kickboxing = 105
genius = 75
balms = 47
garb = 28

anantha said...

ethical parasu earns a punishing reward of 1 point.

Sheece said...

"ethical parasu earns a punishing reward of 1 point."

cool line...